

Repetitive. That’s what I call my life. All I do every single day is swim around this big pool. I mean, it’s not that bad. They have some trees here, some plants but mostly it’s just open water. I can go wherever I want. There is something that brightens up my mood though. I… I just gotta…hmm, what was it again, hmmm… nope. I’ve lost it. Well, my memory isn’t exactly the best, I guess…

You see I have this thing called ESTM, it stands for Extreme Short Term Memory. It means that I forget what I say once every 3 seconds. It’s a horrible thing really. Not that I would remember enough to tell you about it. There are things I do remember though. Like the day I arrived here.

Back in the days, yes I’m going to be all corny with you, I was still a small fry. Mom and dad weren’t around to see me grow up, but I was brought up by the community. It’s really ghetto I tell you. We all look and act the same, except, well, we got different names of course. So yeah, one day this giant comes walking up and uses his massive finger to point at me and my friends and before I knew it, I was kidnapped inside a plastic bag and transported to a new home. It was really frightening. I really thought I was going to die, couldn’t even say goodbye.

So then the giant just released us into our new home. That’s where we are right now if you didn’t follow the story. I had a lot of trouble adapting at the beginning. Same goes for the other guys. We were a real minority you know. The people in this community are mean. They laughed at us a lot, called us three-fifty. They said we weren’t even worth half the plants that were growing here. I mean, how mean is that? We aren’t even worth that plant? We are living, breathing, fishes. COME, ON!

And then there’s the girl. Oh… yes. There’s always a girl. She is beautiful, out of the world even. Oh yeah, and totally out of my league. I saw her the day I arrived. I mean, how could I not. She’s one of the few girls here. Humans are probably blind for being unable to differentiate. I mean, why else would you make this such a sausage-fest?

So I think I might have spoken to her before and she even gave me her name. But God help me so if I can remember what that is. Dudes here are all really selfish. No one wants to really tell me. In fact, all they do is school all around her. Isn’t there anyone I could complain to about all the harassment that girl must be going through?

Maybe it’s just an excuse because I’m too much of a coward to approach her myself, but she is just so pretty. Her blue fins and pitch black eyes and silky smooth skin just mesmerizes me whenever it reflects the light from above.

And then one day it happens. I was swimming casually along the bottom and the giant dropped down some food. People were rushing over like it was the last thing they’d ever eat. I, of course, didn’t stand a chance between them, but then out of blue, someone offered me some of their portions and it was her! My God she was beautiful. She just smiled and handed me her food before swimming away. Her movement was so elegant it caused me to be starstruck and my mouth left gaping. I couldn’t believe it. The girl of my dreams gave me… food.

Oh my God that must be so embarrassing for a first date. Who gives people food before they even know them? Wait, was that even a date? Maybe she just felt sorry for me. That must be it. She felt sorry for me, or so I thought. But then when she turned the corner and looked at me, I could feel the sincerity in her eyes. Could she like me back? I tried to reach out but she quickly swam away. I just had to find out.

So the next day I collected my courage and swam up to her. When I was getting closer she swam away. People say that girls can be hard to get, but I didn’t think they’d literally be hard to chase either. From the glass, to the temple, through the plants and around the bubbles. The girl just wouldn’t stop. I gotta say that for a first time chasing after a girl, this was pretty exciting to be honest.

She stopped at a tree trunk and we stared at each other, both trying to guess which way we wanted to run next. Tension began to rise between us. My mind went crazy for her and she did for me too. I didn’t think and just went ahead and swam into the trunk in the hope to catch her. Apparently she thought of the same thing and i met her in the middle of the trunk, giving away my very first.

Aaaand then we got stuck. cuz fishes don’t swim backwards.

A/N: No fishes were harmed during the making of this story. In fact they were rescued soon after by a giant that was passing by (me) and they are still happily together after 3 months.